Monday, November 6, 2017

These are the US High Death Toll Areas where Guns and Pharmaceutical Drugs End Lives

Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock and Texas Shooter Devin Patrick Kelley both were on Pharmaceutical Medications

Stephen Paddock killed 59 people and about 527 were injured at a country music festival in Las Vegas in October. It is being called the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Stephen Paddock was prescribed diazepam known by its brand name Valium. Valium is used to treat anxiety, muscle spasms and seizures. It is an anti-anxiety drug that has links to aggressive behavior.

Sunday November 5th 2017 Devin Patrick Kelley killed indiscriminately 26 people at a church service in Sutherland Springs Texas. According to Fox News former classmates indicated Devin Kelley was heavily medicated and a loner. Middle school classmates complained about his parents and his medications during school. They indicated that his parents placed him on heavy doses of psych medications.

Two mass murderers both on psych drugs. Devin Patrick Kelley had most likely seen a psychiatrist. Yes, they both used guns and killed with the sole intention to kill while on psychotropic drugs. This has been a continual pattern seen all across the world and especially the United States. Do you recall the German Wings pilot Andreas Lubitz was on psych drugs and he crash a plane in the French Alps killing 150.

Psych drugs kill and kill and kill. Very few make the obvious connection. Are governments and the media covering it up for pharma and psychiatrists?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Psychiatry and Pharmaceutical Companies Targeting Grandma

This is a report from CNN of all networks. This is a surprise since broadcast firms rely so much on pharmaceutical advertising that they almost never report on their crimes.
This report does involves Nuedexta, which is approved for patients with uncontrollable laughing or crying which is known as pseudobulbar affect, or PBA. It is a condition that only affects 1% of the population. The drug had been initially targeted for people with multiple sclerosis and ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease.
CNN in their report indicated a California psychiatrist Romeo Isidro had received hundreds of thousands of dollars in promotional payments from Avanir the maker of Neudexta. Apparently 50% of Nuedexta’s sales have gone to dementia patients and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Sales have since jumped 400% and made $300 million in 2016.
According to the pharma company Avanir, they say 40% of people with dementia are afflicted with PBA, but this has been disputed by many experts. The actual test that produced the 40% afflicted rate was funded by the drug producer Avanir. We smell a rat do you?
The rat has a keeper and that keeper has no gate. It is the FDA. Nuedexta is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat anyone with PBA. This entitles Avanir to include those with neurological conditions like dementia. Yet most responsible geriatric physicians say PBA affects less than 5% of all patients with dementia.

In CNN’s report a Los Angeles nursing home last year, regulators found that more than a quarter of its residents 46 of 162 had been placed on Nuedexta, noting that a facility psychiatrist had given a talk about the drug to employees. This psychiatrist was a paid speaker fee from Avanir. End CNN’s report

Do you see the direct correlation between drug companies and psychiatrists? It’s all about money and nothing about patient care. Pharma funds a front research group to get the result they want. The FDA is run by psychiatrists, so they approve those research reports, and people die.

If you’re elder parents or grandparents are in a long term care facility. You need to stand up to their caregiver. Your parent stood up for you on the playground. Fight the insanity by getting involved in your elderly parents last years.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Over-prescription is killing US youths

A recent report from BBC news, which was found by the Congressional Committee tasked with finding out the cause of this epidemic. In the past two years the town of Kermit West Virginia with a population of 400 was delivered 9 million opiod pills. 33,000 died of opiod overdose in 2015, and 50% of those deaths were prescription opiods. It is so easy now to get these drugs since one just an money hungry doctor to make the prescription. Gone is the Hippocratic oath once coveted.

How are doctors so enticed to write prescriptions. Kickbacks, and junkets. In 2016 $8 billion was spent by drug companies to "teach" hospitals about their drugs with 630,000 doctors showing payment records from pharmaceutical companies. It is always follow the money. These are all pushed by pharmaceutical reps who get overpaid to over push. Or "teach" doctors and hospitals to use their drugs for purposes they were not meant for, or are rare. The number of deaths means nothing to pharma and its reps. Nobody is personally accountable for the deaths from pharma drugs. If the US took this seriously then they should prosecute the pharma reps, doctors, and pharmacists. The drug companies have so much money they can withstand millions in fraud and civil lawsuit payments. Go after the pushers (Doctors, psychiatrists, sales representatives, and criminal pharmacists).

North Korea makes most of its money reproducing fraudulent pharmaceutical drugs, which they use to suppressed their people and make nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons and pharmaceutical companies ultimately can destroy this planet and its inhabitants. The US Healthcare industry profits in death and destruction just like Kim Jong-Un.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Trump Dumps Drug Czar Tom Marino over Opiod epidemic

Congressman Tom Matrino sponsored a bill in the past that made it more difficult for the DEA to go after drug distributor who are the main contributors of the opiod epidemic. 60 minutes recently projected a spot light on these distributors McKesson, Cardinal Health and AmerisourceBergen. These distributors sell opiods to pharmacists by the bucket loads. They are by law supposed to alert and withhold distribution to over prescribing pharmacists. There were many pharmacists requesting massive amounts of opiods in areas of minimal populations.

This is another stark example of where pharmaceutical companies think only of money. They have no moral compass, and they are killing our youth. Purdue Pharma is also facing state lawsuits with over prescribing Oxycontin. Many sold their stocks this week in light of these reports of Pharmaceutical abuses.

Pharma is virtually always in the cross hairs of wrong doing. Making drugs that don't do anything. In bed with psychiatrists, and promoting drugs that will cause a person to commit suicide. Now massive over prescribing of killing drugs. Only you can prevent your own death by pharma. Don't give in or listen to this deathly nonsense that psychiatry works, or that pharmaceutical drugs will extend your life. These scum bags only see money, and they are after your kid.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

New York City School Teens stabs Two Classmates killing one

Abel Cedeno, 18, stabbed and killed Matthew McCree, 15, and wounded Ariane LaBoy, 16, at the Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation. The school administers to 6th-12th grades near another elementary school. Do you wonder why the poorer communities are under served? This school is a low performing school according to news reports and kids have told the city they do not feel safe there.
Only 5 % of students pass math and the schools rating is English is a mere 13% based on 2016 exam results. Over 50% of the students indicated they felt safe at school. Now the mayor of New York City de Blasio says he will increase security at the school.
Really, now is the time to increase security? What about the exam results? Politicians and education administrators have long known that exam results in school like this produce horrible results. These kids have low prospects for a positive future without simple math and English skills.
We don’t know if anti-depressants or psych drugs played a role in this violence, but there are likely students at the school on psychotropic drugs. There is a certainty that the US education system has failed these kids.
Our politicians don’t seem to have the time or interest to fix these matters. This school was around and likely failing during Bloomberg’s tenure. It is long time overdue for politicians to stop talking and start fixing.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Myth of the Chemical Cure by Dr Joanna Moncrieff

This is from the Daily Mail:

Dr Joanna Moncrieff, is a Senior lecturer in psychiatry at University College London and author of The Myth Of The Chemical Cure.

I've been practicing psychiatry for 20 years, and in my experience antidepressants don't do any good at all. I wouldn't take them under any circumstances - not even if I were suicidal.
All the research shows is that, at best, antidepressants make people feel a tiny bit better than a placebo. But this doesn't mean they actually treat depression.
After all these years of brain scanning, we don't even have evidence that depression is related to a chemical imbalance in the brain, so the whole idea that we can treat it chemically is questionable.
I believe depression is an extreme reaction to our circumstances, and the best way to recover from it is to work out the cause.
Sometimes that means talking therapies and sometimes it means changing your circumstances, such as getting a new job or addressing relationship problems.
There are, of course, some people who are depressed for no apparent reason, but there is still no evidence they suffer from a brain disease or that antidepressants can help. It's still better to try and find new things and break the cycle of thoughts and behavior.
Antidepressants are psychoactive drugs -they alter the mind, like cannabis or alcohol, and I've always thought that were I depressed, I'd want to have all my faculties to get me out of the rut - not be clouded by a drug whose effects we don't really understand. End Dail Mail report

Dr. Moncrieff says it like it is, and she mirrors our sentiments. Anti-depressants don’t work. Brain scanning shows no evidence that depression has anything to do with chemical imbalance. Psychiatry and pharma science is a total fraud.

This is straight from a psychiatrist who knows about Bigpharma drugging.

Monday, September 11, 2017

This Qualifies as Science by Psychiatry

Do you ever wonder why the mentally ill are never healed? Do you ever wonder why the young are given drugs and after those psych drugs don't work they are given different ones? What about that you just a bunch of chemicals, and other chemicals will fix you? Do you really believe that?

This is the Alberta Canada exit exam. Lunatics in charge or lunacy

Thursday, August 24, 2017

What’s the Scoop with Goop? Is Pharma behind it?

Goop is a website firm run by Gwyeth Paltrow and it is being exposed by Truth in Advertising firm for false advertising of their all natural health healing vitamins and products. Truth in Advertising is attempting to get DA’s in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara to sue Goop.
There is a video of an interview of Gwyeth Paltrow and she seems to not know anything about the products she sells. The late night interviewer asks her several questions and she can’t really answer to the effects of her products at all. Ok, so she is a bad CEO.
Our concern is Truth in Advertising is an instrument for pharmaceutical companies to go after all natural organic remedy companies. They say there is no science behind Goop wellness claims. Well there is no science behind psychotropic drugs claims either. Pharmaceutical companies make claims that a depressed person’s problem are a sum of a chemical imbalance. According to pharma we are all a bunch of chemicals and their chemicals correct that imbalance. Really, well I have some earthing product that will stop your insomnia. Earthing is a Goop claim that walking barefoot keeps you closer to earth and it can improve you sleep habits.
Listen we and most informed humans would much rather go barefoot then take a drug. Yes, so Goop needs to back up its claims, and maybe make a disclaimer on their website. Paltrow needs to bone up on her products. But her firms looks to mainly sell vitamin combinations. Yes, they are expensive, but they are just vitamins. Not harmful
But the real falsehood in advertising is the wild claims of Pharmaceutical companies showing happy people after they take their complete nonsense drugs. We are not a bunch of chemicals who need pharma chemicals to be happy. The truth is pharma is based on fraud, complete fraud. There is no science behind ADHD. There is no science behind SSRI drugs or lack of serotonin in the body which is the cause of depression. There is no science at all to back up psychiatry and pharmaceuticals claims period. A placebo has a better effect on a person than an antidepressant.
So why is Truth in Advertising going after Goop? Because they must be backed by pharmaceutical firms. Goop is just a high profile attack against a celebrity sponsored all natural organic solution to being tired or depressed. Goop wants to detox your body. Pharma wants to make you a toxic nightmare and make you dependent on them from cradle to grave for the remainder of your life ingesting poisonous drugs. That’s the scoop

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Suspected Serial Killer Cosmo DiNardo was Previously Hospitalized for Mental illness

A number of witnesses have come forward with details about the suspect Dinardo. They have said he has spoken about weird things like killing people and having people killed. “Everybody you talk to about this guy, you hear he’s mentally unstable.” Quoted an investigator

He was arrested recently in possession of a gun with a mental illness history. He also attempted to sell a vehicle of a missing person. News reports indicate he is smart, but if you sell a vehicle of the missing person, well that doesn’t come across as an intelligent move. This suspected horrible beast may have killed at least four young men and boys. Details of the investigation will come later. Our interest is his mental illness. This means he saw a psychiatrist and he was placed on psychotropic drugs. Psychiatry’s only interest and only solution is to put people on drugs. Their entire solution to mental illness is that everyone they see has a chemical imbalance, so new chemicals or drugs make everyone “normal”. This is their bird brain scheme. Cosmo Dinardo was not put right on his psych drugs now was he?

We think people may finally get it that psych drugs don’t work much like people prefer organic and natural foods. Information was not known about processed foods, but the interest most has is for natural solutions. Once people realize that adding chemicals to people is not natural and is not organic then they will reject this hair brain theory and rush to natural solutions to mental illness. One natural solution which we don’t refer to often is Scientology. It is something to look into. We will look into it more here.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Striking Rise in Suicide Among Middle School Students.

New studies have indicated that the suicide rate has doubled from 2007-2014 with students 10-14. This makes suicide by middle schooler’s greater than car crashes. According to researchers this rise is due to fear of terrorism, economic uncertainty, and pressure academically at school, as well as, bullying. Now we are sure they never looked at the mass proliferation of anti-depressants, and they never investigated how many students committed suicide and how many were on psychotropic drugs.
There has always been economic uncertainty, World Wars and a Vietnam War, as well as, bullying in school and academic pressure. The world has not changed much the past fifty years. What has changed is the mass distribution and prescriptions of psych drugs.
These researchers have doubled down on the issue of social media as a large factor in suicides. These researchers say that 10-14 year olds and younger have not developed the coping skills. Well children in the 50’s, 60’, 70’s and 80’s somehow had coping skills. What has changed?
Psych drugs has changed the landscape. Psych drugs kill, and they don’t cure anyone of depression. They cause depression to continue, and they cause suicides. End psychiatry, and medical doctors from distributing these drugs like candy and you will see a massive drop in suicides.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Atlanta Mother has been Arrested in the Stabbing Deaths of Her Four Children and their Father

Isabel Martinez, 33, is charged by the Gwinnett County Sheriff with six counts of aggravated assault and five counts each of murder and malice murder. According to news reports.
According to an unidentified relative who said the family returned from a holiday. The mother Isabel Martinez was acting bizarre and experiencing hallucinations. She was very depressed over the death of her father.

These reactions are all symptoms’ of psychotropic drugs and the drugs side effects. This is devastating and similar to Andrea Yates who drowned all of her children in Texas. Yates was on antidepressants and multiple psych drugs including Haldol.

One has to be in a fully insane state to kill four of your children. There is almost a certainty that a doctor or psychiatrist will go free even though he or she most likely put her on psych drugs. It is a total travesty for this family and all of humanity to be connected in anyway to a psychiatrist or drug pushing physician.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Youtuber Stevie Ryan Commits Suicide headline Reads

It should read Stevie Ryan was influence by psychotropic drugs. A celebrity in her own right who was only 33 committed suicide. She was most recently quoted on a podcast about depression in a discussion regarding her grandfather who died recently.
She is quoted as saying: “I’m just worried that this is going to send me into a deeper depression,” Additionally, Ryan and co-host Kristen Carney also discussed suicide.
We don’t know the full details of the podcast, but this is reminiscent of psychotropic drugs. She indicated in the podcast of her depression. So was she on a psych drugs which triggered her to take her own life. Unfortunately, that is a side effect of psych drugs. Psych drugs take the young one by one and the pharmaceutical companies get away with all of it as do the subscribing doctors and psychiatrist.
We will write about it, but will anybody do something about this lunacy?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Trolls Movie and “Sunshine in your Pocket” is a Metaphor for Pharma Drugs

The Trolls movie plot is about small creatures who live in the perpetual state of happiness. They dance and sing and enjoy life. Other larger troll type creatures called Bergen’s are unhappy grey creatures. These Bergen’s discover that eating a Troll will make them happy. It is just like consuming an anti-depressant will make you happy if you’re a pill pushing doctor, psych, or pharmaceutical executive. So in the film these depressed Bergen’s trap the Trolls in cages just like psychiatry likes to trap people in the false sense of security of their nothing drugs. Years later the Trolls escape.
In the film a Bergen chef lures the Trolls with cowbells just like pharma lures the unsuspecting with advertising with the goal in the movie to be devoured, which is the same goal of psychiatry and the pharma frauds. Pharma’s goal is a life-time on their drugs. You can’t live without pharma right? Wrong. Eventually in the film the Trolls convince the Prince Bergen and others that it is not necessary to eat Trolls to be happy.
The irony is that the falsehood of eating Trolls or taking anti-depressants is the instrument or means to happiness. The movie ends with that your happiness is within you. It doesn’t come from another source. You have and possess sunshine in your pocket.
This is the reality of life. Life is difficult and challenging for all, but everyone has the personal ability to create their own happiness. You can drag yourself down with life’s challenges, or you can set you own course and look at difficulties as a speed bump.
The Troll movie was made by Dreamworks and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Disney’s Inside Out had somewhat of a similar lesson for kids and young adults. Hollywood maybe starting to wake up, and they are providing real lessons to real challenges.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Michelle Carter Manslaughter Trial gets a Sane Psychiatric Defense

Dr. Peter Breggin a psychiatrist says Michelle Carter a Massachusetts woman who is charged with using text messages to encourage her boyfriend to kill himself when they were teenagers was on medication that impairs the ability to be empathetic.
She is charged with manslaughter in the 2014 suicide of 18-year-old Conrad Roy III. Dr. Breggin shows that the psychiatric drug Prozac and now on Celexa. The psychiatric doctor says Celexa increases the yearning to commit suicide in teens. In the trial he showd how the brain reacts differently to psychiatric drugs in teens and young adults.
Prosecutors say the then-17-year-old Carter pressured her boyfriend Roy to take his own life through a torrent of text messages. Both teens were on psych drugs.
The real criminal behavior here is psychiatry and pharma drugs. Dr. Breggin moves against the drug pushing psych’s in disclosing just how lethal these drugs are. It is likely though another psychiatrist with an opposing view to Dr. Breggin may also testify. Psychiatry is never on the same page.
The defendant’s lawyers say argued that Roy had attempted suicide previously and made his own decision to take his own life.

The trial is still ongoing…

Thursday, May 11, 2017

How North Korea Uses Pharmaceutical Drugs to Facilitate its Economy

North Korea is run like a mafia organization. It sells armaments to Africa, and shares nuclear secrets with Iran. They are involved in the ivory trade with elephant and rhino horns. The country is also implicated in counterfeit money mainly US dollars. It is a country based on fraud and deception. They produce nothing healthy that is exportable. It is all connected to sex, drugs, and other people’s money and creations.
They seem to like lots of counterfeit products such as cigarettes, and trafficking in DVD porn. They have added to their line of fraud products with the world’s fraudulent pharmaceutical industry products. Recently five hundred thousand tablets of a synthetic stimulant (Captagon) was seized. It was estimated to be worth seven million. Also Clonazepam which is a sedative was seized in Egypt. Pho Viagra seems to be a staple for the fat boy and his warring henchmen. The country is a total criminal organization solely backed primarily by China. Part of China’s and Russia’s gain is the import of North Korean slave labor. This is a cash cow for them in cutting trees and worker camps.
Sorry if we have not mentioned anything positive about this country but we couldn’t locate one.
The communist monarchy only traffics in products that kill or abuse like cigarettes, porn, slave labor and of course pharmaceutical drugs.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Manhunt for Psychopath who Live Streamed a Murder Worked at a Behavioral Health Agency

Steve Stephens has claimed via Facebook that he had committed multiple homicides. Yet the police indicate they have no current knowledge of other victims. It was only a matter of time before this killer would be found dead. He committed suicide once police stopped him in Pennsylvania.

"Obviously, he's got deep, deep issues," the police chief said. The accused killer has no other prior criminal violations.
Stephens was employed at a behavioral health agency in Ohio. It services children, teenagers and families. The problem with behavioral health facilities it that there are connections to psychiatry, which means psychotropic drugs.

There is no way of knowing at the moment as there is no available evidence. if Steve Stephens has been on using psychotropic drugs. We can safely say that if he is caught alive then he will certainly be placed on psych drugs.

Stephens says in the video. “But when it comes to my problems, nobody gives a f*ck. It’s like I’m always the bad guy, no matter what the f*ck I do, people always making it out on me…. Innocent people about to die today. Hopefully I’m going to try and kill as many people as I can and be on death row or whatever the case may be. I just don’t give a f*ck no more. I’m beat, I’m tired, you know.” News reports indicated at the time that Stephens spoke to his mom the day before the shooting and later said in a video that he wanted to kill her, Greeks and his co-workers because they all upset him in some form in the past.

This kind of behavior is reminiscent of psychotropic drugs as these drugs create mania, suicidal behavior, and uncontrolled anger. If the police release a toxicology report then the public may know, but largely they don’t publish such reports, and since he is already dead not many will want to know what set this guy off.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dr. David Dao has a sordid past with Prescription Drugs

There is only one “David Dao” licensed by the Kentucky Board of Medical License David A.D. Dao in Elizabethtown, near Louisville where the infamous United Airlines flight was scheduled to land. The Louisville Courier-Journal reported that Dao had years before made news for a different reasons. He had been convicted in a lurid prescription drug case.
David A. D. Dao’s license was suspended in 2003 following his arrest on charges including unlawful prescribing and trafficking of a controlled substance.
The New York Post and a number of news organizations have reported that Dr. Dao of Elizabethtown had been accused of providing Vicodin to a patient in exchange for sex. He was accused and convicted and sentenced to probation for exchanging sex, money and prescription drugs to an office employee. The trial included video tapes of the “doctor” and his victim in a motel. He surrendered his license in 2005, but it was reinstated in 2015 partially. The doctor clearly took advantage of a person’s addiction. Patients go to doctors to relieve their aliments not to extend them. It is also the doctor pharmaceutical relationship that is at play as well.
The LA Times reported that Purdue Pharma aided and abetted crimes which created a surge in heroin overdoses across the country. A suit from the DA in Everett Washington is underway, which we blogged about recently. This shows that the wrong people in charge of drugs can wreak havoc on society. Instead of an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Maybe research each day can keep the doctor away.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sesame Street to Announce Autism Muppet

The Muppet to be named Julia already exits, but will get her autism depute on April 10th according to PBS and Sesame Street. It is in collaboration and a campaign awareness with Autism Speaks. Autism has also been linked to vaccines. The irony here is that Elmo and the surgeon general promoted that vaccines were safe, and to “tell your friends to get vaccinated too” as part of the ad campaign. PBS seems to want children under ten to be indoctrinated with promoting vaccines. What is a seven year old supposed to do pressure his or her mother?

Back in late 2015 Florida Congressman Bill Posey urged congress to investigate the CDC (Center for Disease Control) about a claim that MMR vaccines lead to high incidence of autism.
Nothing seems to have come of that. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two drugs for treating irritability associated with the autism (risperidone and aripiprazole). Risperidone is actually an antipsychotic medicine. It is another one of those drugs that change the brains chemicals. If you believe that nonsense that all you are is a test tube. Risperidone is used to treat schizophrenia and symptoms of bipolar disorder or manic depression. It is also used in autistic children to treat symptoms of irritability. It is approved for use in psychotic conditions related to dementia. Pharmaceutical companies like the one drugs fits all conditions, so their duped doctors just prescribe them at will.
Aripiprazole is an antipsychotic. It is prescribed to treat agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depression. Abilify is an aripiprazole drug. Strange though Abilify’s ad campaign is if your anti-depressant doesn’t work then you may need to add Abilify. There ads tell everyone that the products don’t work.
A person who is autistic has difficulty with communication, learns slower, and has social challenges. The bird brain pharma frauds have not come up with a drug to directly assist communication issues with autistic kids, but we are sure they will. They will call it a chemical problem in the brain, and mixes some powder with a drop of this or that and markets it as a solution. They used to call it snake oil years ago, or maybe pharma is autistic.
Pharma has gotten many to believe that the human body is a bunch or chemicals. And that your chemicals are all out of whack thus you need more chemicals to put those stray ones back together. Way too many people have bought into this non-sense, even good doctors included. It is all about money, and not solutions.

If you know organic all natural products are the way to go, then pharma drugs are not for you.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Panic as Officer Barricades himself in a Hospital, and Threatens Suicide

Turkish Officer in Psych Ward Threatens Staff. Is it the drugs?

Turkish Media reported recently in Istanbul. An armed police officer barricaded his room and threatened staff at a psychiatric hospital. He had been isolated, so any hostage situation was averted. Some people may say it is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome), but nobody will admit it that psychiatric drugs play a role in all these incidents. This occurred at Istanbul’s Cerrahpasa hospital.
This is another sign of pharmaceutical’s arm of death reaching around the world. Psychiatry is a failed science. Nobody ever gets cured of any mental disorder, of which many are just made up. They make them up because they have no clue as to what causes issues with people they are supposed to treat. Psychiatry only treats a person with drugs. Everything to them is a chemical imbalance. All human life to them is subject to a petri dish concoction.
You will never ever find anyone cured of any mental issue once psychiatry or pharma takes hold. Yet, governments and people allow this to perpetuate. They are funded with government appropriations, and given degrees by Universities. It is madness gone awry. How can a sane so called professional person walk through life knowing that their “treatments” cause chaos, suicide and death? A reasonable person with an ounce of ethics would turn in their license. Really, think about it. If you knew that one of your patients committed suicide under your care, or a patient killed others under your supervision. Wouldn’t you just say “Hey I am not helping anyone”. Is it all just for money. Yes, pharma produces junk drugs, psychiatry issues bills, and people die. A sane society would seriously address this issue. Do you live in one?

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Everett Washington sues Purdue Pharma, claiming drug maker sold OxyContin to Gangs and Criminals

The Los Angeles Times- recently reported that a study has shown a surge in heroin use and OxyContin maybe to blame. The article indicated that the drug make Purdue Pharma aided and abetted crimes which created a surge in heroin overdoses across the country. The article indicated it was all for profits.
The suit has been brought by Everett, Washington after the article was released in January. It appears there is extensive evidence of the pharmaceutical company having knowledge that there drug was being bought and used in criminal activity. The pharmaceutical company was aware of the activity and didn’t report it to law enforcement.
The investigation by the newspaper showed that Purdue pharma supplied OxyContin to gangs and criminals. This caused a hung increase heroin in the Washington region, but this may have played out all over the nation.
According to Snohomish counties website there have been 29,000 deaths in the county from 1995-2014. They show a graph where the heroin death rate increased dramatically from 2011 thru 2014 while the subscription opioid overdose (OxyContin) show a continual increase from 2004-2014. It looks to us like the county has a case based on the evidence that Purdue Pharma was looking at profits and not care.
This is a continuous pattern shown by pharmaceutical companies in antidepressants and opioids. When you see a pharmaceutical commercial showing happy faces, and people enjoying life in the outdoors after using their pharmaceutical drugs. Try to picture a teenager strung-out on heroin, or OxyContin lying dead or almost lying in your street. These are teens and young adults who should be in a University studying, but their life is cut short. Or this same young adult attempting suicide while on antidepressants, of some ADHD drug.
Looks carefully at pharma’s ads. Do you really think a drug is going to make you happy?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Teen killed four other Students and then himself in Mexico

Multiple News Reports indicated a teenage student suffering from depression shot three students and a teacher at a private school in northern Mexico last month. He then killed himself. This was all caught on camera.

The 15 year old student who was named by authorities as Federico Guevara pulled out a handgun inside a classroom and began shooting, the officials indicated He critically wounding three of his victims before turning the pistol on himself.

Video footage showed him calmly shooting at fellow students while walking through the school. He shot some at point blank. The video footage showed Federico Guevara in a daze.

What causes a teen to shoot other students in a daze? Need you ask, it is always psychotropic drugs. These killing drugs are distributed worldwide and cause the same effect. They cause people to kill themselves in a suicide or to take as many as they can with them.

Psych drugs Kill. Psychiatry kills both produce no solutions. Psychiatry has never produced a solution. It never cures. It simply creates monsters.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How easy is it to Diagnosed with a Mental Illness? Well in the UK it is Very

According to a survey last year, one in four adults has been diagnosed with a mental illness at some stage during their lifetime, the annual health survey for England suggests.
This survey asked 5000 adults and 26% indicated they had been diagnosed with a mental illness. Almost 20% said they were diagnosed with depression with women getting the highest diagnosis.
Around the time of this survey
David Cameron the prime minister at the time made a speech to promise action on "treatable problems", including mental illnesses and addiction. He had pledged 1 Billion pounds to the cause.

What the Prime Minister and government officials don’t seem to get is that psychiatry is the problem and not the solution. Psychiatry and mental health professionals diagnose mental illness with just a few questions and a patient is on a drug right after the interview. To psychiatry mental health is a revenue stream. They are not into the profession to cure. They have no solutions, and never will. Keep in mind psychiatry used ice picks to ‘cure’ the mentally ill in the 40’s and 50’s. They used strait jacket and electric shock today. They only remedy is a pill today. It has been proven time and time again that a placebo works better than their pills. Virtually all campus, and mass shootings involve a mentally ill patient on one of their drugs.

The UK just gave 1 billion pounds to accelerate the mess that is mental illness. It will get worse and worse as psychiatry is clueless about mental illness. They know how to pry money out of a naive government though.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Another Day at the Pharma: Pfizer fined 107 Million in Overbilling

This is a report via Reuters

Britain’s competition watchdog has fined Pfizer a record 84.2 million pounds (US$107 million) for its role in ramping up the cost of an epilepsy drug by as much as 2,600 percent.
In the case of phenytoin sodium capsules, the UK price charged for 100 mg packs of the drug jumped from 2.83 pounds to 67.50 in 2012, before reducing to 54.00 from May 2014.
As a result, annual spending on the capsules by Britain’s National Health Service rose from 2 million pounds in 2012 to about 50 million in 2013. The CMA said UK prices were many times higher than elsewhere in Europe.
Pfizer used to market the medicine under the brand name Epanutin but sold the rights to Flynn, a privately owned British company, in September 2012.
It was then debranded, meaning that it was no longer subject to price regulation, and the price soared.
“The companies deliberately exploited the opportunity offered by debranding to hike up the price for a drug which is relied upon by many thousands of patients,” Philip Marsden, chairman of the CMA’s case decision group, said on Wednesday.
“This is the highest fine the CMA has imposed and it sends out a clear message to the sector that we are determined to crack down on such behavior.”
Pfizer said in a statement it planned to appeal all aspects of the CMA’s verdict.
The U.S. drug maker said the medicine had been loss-making and it was therefore forced to consider whether it could continue supplying it. Pfizer added that the price set by Flynn was actually 25 to 40 percent less than the cost of an equivalent tablet form from another supplier.
Flynn also plans to appeal. Chief executive David Fakes said punishing Flynn for selling phenytoin capsules for less than phenytoin tablets “beggars’ belief”.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cancer, HIV and Autism have a Natural Cure that Pharmaceutical Firms and the FDA Don’t Want the Public to Have or even Know About

The nagalase enzyme pinpoints the GcMAF sites and attacks the electron bond which kills the naturally producing GcMAF. Nagalase is found in vaccines. GcMAF is natural in the human body and its production helps fight autism, HIV and cancer. Holistic doctors like Dr. Jeff Bradstreet found that nagalase is causing autism while GcMAF is the antidote. Thusly, autism is being caused by the introduction of a vaccine which has nagalase inside it. Who produces this nagales riddled vaccine? Pharmaceutical companies. Pharma, the FDA with psychiatry is part of the three headed self interested monster. Recently the State of California and other US States have passed laws to force child vaccines to be administered or a child can’t even attend school. They claim that not vaccinating a child is dangerous to other children. State government is the fourth head of the apocalyptic monster.

Well there is a solution to some of the worst diseases today. Dr. Bradstreet made the discovery in his research and created GcMAF in a lab to fight the nagalese. GcMAF is illegal if lab produced in the US since the FDA killed its use as they indicate it has no real curing properties. What is even more interesting is that Dr. Bradstreet who was being investigated by the FDA was found dead three days after a raid. He was found floating in a North Carolina river with a gunshot to the chest. Investigators say it was suicide, but this is almost impossible. The gunshot wound was to the chest at close range, and the gun was found in the river. Why would a doctor on the brink of a world curing discovery kill himself? It appears pharma has a hit squad. Additionally, GcMAF also looks to retard cancer cells, so the body can fight cancer by itself. GcMAF is a protein which is produced by the modification of a vitamin D binding protein. Holistic doctors and proponents indicate it has antitumor properties which strengthens the immune system.

Pharmaceutical companies produce the vaccines that are injected in every child across the US. Additionally, cancer therapy in the US is a $100 billion business. These firms look to gain tremendously with the continuation of cancer, HIV, and autism by there drug and vaccine production.

A solution to being cornered by the government, and their Nazi pharmaceutical calibrators is Goleic. Goleic can be found in Germany and parts of Europe and is sold as a vitamin supplement. It can be purchased for 450 euros plus shipping costs and mailed to the US. If one has any of the issues above then you may have a natural solution you can take in your own home. That is low cost and life changing healthcare. You will not find that in US hospitals or from pharma drug pushing doctors.
The only thing life changing in the US is the high cost health care with exorbitant bills. So called ‘medicines’ that don’t cure you but kill you slowly.

For more information on the mysterious deaths of thirteen holistic doctors deaths go to youtube and type 13 Dead the Holistic Doctor Conspiracy