Thursday, August 3, 2017

Striking Rise in Suicide Among Middle School Students.

New studies have indicated that the suicide rate has doubled from 2007-2014 with students 10-14. This makes suicide by middle schooler’s greater than car crashes. According to researchers this rise is due to fear of terrorism, economic uncertainty, and pressure academically at school, as well as, bullying. Now we are sure they never looked at the mass proliferation of anti-depressants, and they never investigated how many students committed suicide and how many were on psychotropic drugs.
There has always been economic uncertainty, World Wars and a Vietnam War, as well as, bullying in school and academic pressure. The world has not changed much the past fifty years. What has changed is the mass distribution and prescriptions of psych drugs.
These researchers have doubled down on the issue of social media as a large factor in suicides. These researchers say that 10-14 year olds and younger have not developed the coping skills. Well children in the 50’s, 60’, 70’s and 80’s somehow had coping skills. What has changed?
Psych drugs has changed the landscape. Psych drugs kill, and they don’t cure anyone of depression. They cause depression to continue, and they cause suicides. End psychiatry, and medical doctors from distributing these drugs like candy and you will see a massive drop in suicides.

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