Monday, April 20, 2015

School Killings and Attempted Killings are not about the Gun and not only in the US

In Barcelona Spain on Monday April 20, 2015 a 13 year-old Spanish boy was armed with a crossbow and a machete and killed a substitute teacher and wounded four people at his school in Barcelona according to police. The boy is the suspect and will not be charged criminally as he is under 14. He is now in custody and going through a psychiatric exam.
In Spain, according to news reports children under age 14 are not held legally responsible for crimes and cannot be jailed or placed in juvenile detention centers, but they can be sent to mental health facilities.

Fox News reported that said another student indicated he knew the suspect and said he was a loner and he was bullied. Witnesses say he was saying “incoherent things”. There were also two wounded students and a teacher.

This looks to us like a psychotropic drug incident, but that is not known at the moment. But what is know is that there isn’t a gun involved. The US media and Government always use the gun excuse and the reason for these school killings. They can’t use that in this case? There will be more to learn of this, but it is a school killing not in the US and no gun involved.

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