Tuesday, September 14, 2010
World Suicide Prevention Day, What Was Said and What Wasn’t
There were a number of speeches made around the world during Suicide Prevention Day, but not many indicating a connection with suicide and psychotropic drugs. This past year over eight million Americans 18 or older thought seriously about committing suicide, more than two million had a plan to commit suicide, and more than one million attempted to take their own lives. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (pictured)spoke out on World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), which was Sept. 10th. She of many items discussed the abominal Mental Health Parity Act, but what we couldn’t locate in her speech was that psychotropic drugs were a direct cause of suicides. According to reports on WSPD, suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people age 15 to 24, and suicide rates among young American Indians and Alaska Natives are double that. Young Latinas and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youths also have alarming rates of attempted suicide. Other reports indicate that those bereaved by suicide are seven times more likely to themselves commit suicide, as well as facing other possible negative health outcomes including substance abuse or depression.
In her speech Secretary Sebelius indicated roughly 90 percent of people who die by suicide suffered from depression or another diagnosable condition at the time of their death. Other reports indicate suicide rates are climbing in the military ranks. What was not said was any connection with suicides and psychotropic drugs.
Does the world want to prevent suicides? Why is there not a worldwide outrage with the connection of suicides and psychotropic drugs? Why is there not an outrage to the increase in distribution of antidepressants and suicide rates? It looks like black box warnings and stump speeches by government health secretaries are the extent to which they will go to investigating the connection of psychotropic drugs and increased suicide rates. Does the world really want to prevent suicides? Well start truly investigating the connection with psychotropic drugs!! If a placebo works the same or better than a drug then why use the drug, and if suicide rates have increased with antidepressants distribution then isn’t there a simple connection?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The FDA Says Walnuts are a Drug?
This is an excerpt of an original article by Heidi Stevenson at gaia-health.com
Diamond Foods' Walnut Claims regarding Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Based on claims made on your firm's website, we have determined that your walnut products are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs because these products are intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease. The following are examples of the claims made on your firm's website under the heading of a web page stating "OMEGA-3s ... Every time you munch a few walnuts, you're doing your body a big favor.":
"Studies indicate that the omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts may help lower cholesterol; protect against heart disease, stroke and some cancers; ease arthritis and other inflammatory diseases; and even fight depression and other mental illnesses."
"[O]mega-3 fatty acids inhibit the tumor growth that is promoted by the acids found in other fats ... "
"[I]n treating major depression, for example, omega-3s seem to work by making it easier for brain cell receptors to process mood-related signals from neighboring neurons." "The omega-3s found in fish oil are thought to be responsible for the significantly lower incidence of breast cancer in Japanese women as compared to women in the United States."
Because of these intended uses, your walnut products are drugs. (end of letter)
The FDA has been sending these letters to numerous food manufacturers who make healthy food claims. Maybe they should change their name from the FDA to the DA (Drug Administration) since they are so often favorable to drug companies. It is bizarre but consistent by the FDA. This enables the FDA to control herbal remedies and other alternative medicines. There has been a plan to label vitamins also as a drug, so in order to distribute walnuts and vitamins then you would have to be a licensed drug company. Or you would have to be managed by a Pharmaceutical company. Once BigPharma has the control then they would eliminate all alternative medicines in favor pharmaceuticals.
If you find this FDA police control overbearing then please help promote the bill H.R. 4913 by getting your Congress Person to co-sponsor the Free Speech about Science Act (H.R. 4913)go to this link. This is the Free Speech about Science Act http://www.capwiz.com/lef/issues/alert/?alertid=14923316&type=CO It is sponsored by
Rep Jason Chaffetz of Utah
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